The History of Cars

A car is vehicle with four wheels used to transport passengers. It has its own motor which allows the vehicle to travel a certain distance. They are designed to run in roads. Some cars are designed for only two people while some have eight seats. Nonetheless, cars normally carry four people, two in the front and two in the back. Cars may also have varying number of wheels. Through the years, however, it was found out that cars best run when there are four wheels. This vehicle is a form of transportation both for people and goods.
By today's time, the usage of car has continued to spread. There are around 600 million people who use cars all over the world.  This is around 11 people per car which presents a really small ratio given the huge population worldwide. Most cars are found in most populated countries which are China and India. With this, cars issue great benefits for its usage. One can travel from a place to another without exerting much effort but with a little time.

Cars Are Also Referred to as Automobiles.

The word automobile came from the French term of the same spelling. "Auto" is from the Ancient Greek which means self. "Mobilis", on the other hand, means vehicle. Combining both words, you will get the meaning "moving vehicle by itself". The term car is said to originate from the Latin words Carrus and Carrum. Both terms mean "wheeled vehicle". This meaning uplifts the characteristic of a vehicle which has wheels that aid the car to run through roads. There are also some people who suspect this term originating from the word Karros. This is the same with the modern term, Chariot. Chariot is the ancient form of vehicle. It uses horses, sometimes people, to make it move through its wheels.
Production of cars have sprout throughout the manufacturer headed by Ransom Olds. His factory in the name Oldsmobile back in early 1900s paved its way to the market. It uses assembly line techniques which allowed mass production of vehicles. The components of the vehicle were found to be changeable. With this, people were able to change the malfunctioning components when it drains down instead of replacing the whole vehicle itself. This idea was expanded by the great Henry Ford which started the car manufacturing company Ford. The car industry created a success in different countries such as France, Denmark, United Kingdom and Germany.
Cars nowadays use an internal combustion engine. This uses gasoline or diesel for some. These fuels are the common sources of air pollution however. With this, there are reported cases of climate change. In today's time, there have been movements which fight their way towards lessening the destructive effects of climate change. There were environment laws which require car drivers to let their vehicle be examined. If the car does not pass the test because of the exhaust of their car, it would not be provided a permit. Alternatively, having a car without any problem in its exhaust is can at least help save our environment.

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